We are young, wild and free to be whatever God has called us to be. We are loud about our faith and proud to be called Christians. We are courageously creative and build authentic connection. United we stand for ONE God and for ALL humanity. We believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy spirit. We believe the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead is the same spirit that lives in us. We are the future. This is a movement – In Christ we stand.

THE ARK is for our toddlers, ages 1-3 years and here we make friends, worship together, create crafts and have inspiring play spaces.
Our Waumba rooms are for ages 4-6 and here we get to unpack the children’s bible in fun, interactive ways. We learn to worship with fun actions, make awesome crafts and practice kindness and fellowship withour little friends. This is space is fun, expressive and builds courage.
Our ALL STARS legends are ages 7-11 and this space if full of fun and laughs. We get to unpack the bible in a deeper, worship, take communion together, practice generosity and learn about the finished work of the cross. We speak into identity and what it looks like to live with the fruits of the spirit (Love, joy peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control)
TRANSIT is all in the name. This very special space is for our pre-teens, helping them grow in faith before joining our high school youth space. Our transit environments are practical and relatable, covering everyday conversations with a deep foundation in the Word. Transit joins our main church worship service before heading into their space, inviting them in on a mature faith journey with age-appropriate leaders.